Acupuncture & Chinese medicine view health as a state of natural balance, where a person’s systems are all working together as they should. Conversely, system imbalances can cause pain, discomfort & illness to occur. With this in mind, acupuncturists use a variety of techniques & strategies to treat pain, manage your symptoms & restore your natural health.

Making an Appointment

Simply Contact us to request an appointment. You can also book online.

Initial assessment

Initial Assessment

Diagnosis & Clinical Treatment
~ 60 minutes

Clinical Treatment

Acupuncture & Chinese medicine
~ 45 minutes

The Initial Chinese Medicine Assessment


Your symptoms, along with apparently unrelated details such as your posture, your sleep schedule & pulse, combine to reveal the patterns from which your diagnosis & treatment plan are developed.

Chinese medicine assessment

Therapeutic Techniques in Chinese Medicine

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Acupuncture involves the insertion of fine needles into specific spots on the body to provide effective symptom relief while awakening the natural healing processes of the body & mind. Properly applied, acupuncture can provide immediate relief of symptoms. A complete course of treatments can re-balance the body’s systems, recover your health & bring about a lasting healing effect. We use sterile, disposable needles & Personal Protective Equipment.

Movement Therapy

Also known as Qigong, movement therapy involves the performance of specific exercises to promote physical, mental, and emotional well-being. If necessary, your acupuncturist will prescribe a custom exercise routine for pain relief & to manage your condition.

Movement therapy and Qi Gong in Chinese medicine
Food therapy in Chinese medicine

Food Therapy

Food therapy involves the assessment & changing of your diet based on the principles of Chinese medicine. Your acupuncturist may therefore recommend specific changes to your diet, including adding or removing specific foods or modifying your meal schedule. Food therapy can help relieve your symptoms, rebalance your body’s systems & improve your health.

Chinese Herbology

Chinese herbology involves the combination of various herbs to make medicinal teas, powders, pills or liniments. Based on your Chinese medicine diagnosis, herbs may be prescribed in order to relieve your symptoms & restore balance to your health.

chinese medicine, medicinal herbs

Natural Treatment Plans

Your initial assessment plays an important role in planning the frequency, amount, & types of treatments you initially require. Your acupuncturist will talk with you about which treatment plan is best suited to you.

Natural Relief

Acupuncture’s pain relief & symptom-calming effects begin right away, but tend to be somewhat temporary at first. The effects of movement therapy, food therapy & herbs are mild at first, but their effects are cumulative. Therefore as your Chinese medicine treatments progress, the amount of pain relief & increased wellness will become more obvious. It is important to be steady with frequent treatments at the beginning of care in order to build and hold the gains made from treatment to treatment.

acupuncture, herbs, alternative

Natural Recovery

Once the intensity & frequency of your pain or symptoms is consistently improved between treatments, the time interval between treatments can be lengthened. The focus of treatments then changes from providing relief to healing & restoring balance. Continuing care through this phase allows your systems to begin functioning in a more balanced way on its own. During this phase it is common to want to “test things out” or overdo it because of the relative absence of discomfort. It is important to remember that although there is pain relief or your symptoms are gone, the healing process is still ongoing & the body is vulnerable to re-injury or re-aggravation. Take it easy and follow your acupuncturist’s advice.

Natural Maintenance

Patients with chronic conditions or symptoms that tend to recur may require ongoing maintenance. For instance, this could involve making long term changes in diet & exercise, taking herbs on a regular basis, or getting an acupuncture “tune-up” on a bi-weekly, monthly, or seasonal basis.

chinese medicine, drawer, traditional chinese

Natural Wellness

When all of your systems are in balance, acupuncture & Chinese medicine can keep our health running smoothly and even enhance your wellness. By combining acupuncture, diet, herbs, & exercises, Chinese medicine can help you optimize your health and live life to its fullest!

woman, meditating, buddhism

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