Happy Lunar New Year of the Yin Rabbit 🐰 !

The year of the water rabbit can be summed up in two words: movements and martyrs.

Rabbit years are years of “reluctant leadership”. Years where someone has leadership thrust upon them, either by others or by necessity. Martin Luther King wrote “letter from Birmingham Jail” in 1963, the last water rabbit Year, and also presented his “I have a dream” speech, giving life and energy to the civil rights movement.

Many Buddhist monks self-immolated themselves due to the situation in Vietnam, increasing public awareness and outcry of what was going on.

Kennedy was assassinated in November of 1963, leading to momentous change in U.S. politics and policy.

This year we should expect the rise of reluctant leaders, the flourishing of movements, and the possibility of sacrifices being made in the name of greater things. 

Rabbit years ALSO bring plenty of intuition, creativity, curiosity & enthusiasm. It’s a big picture year, so it’s a good year to make long term plans and projects.

Rabbit years are also considered very fertile years, so it’s a lucky year for couples wanting to start a family!

From a health perspective, the three organ systems which are the most sensitive are the liver, the Large intestine & the Kidneys. Take care to get lots of exercise, drink lots of water and eat lots of fiber, and remember to get acupuncture for any ongoing health issues!

In terms of mental health, the liver relates to expectations, the large intestine relates to letting go, and the kidneys relate to wisdom. Together, these three ideas encourage us to simplify our expectations, let go of overly complex desires, & remember that the only constant in life is change; if times are good, revel in them & be grateful! If times are tough, remember that tough times won’t last forever!

Best Wishes to you all!

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